All relevant information must be given to The Cottage Cattery prior to boarding.
This includes significant medical, behavioural or dietary issues. -
Vaccination cards must be presented on arrival to show vaccinations are current and have been administered
at least 14 days before arrival. -
Flea Treatment is required.
Medications must be provided in original packaging with vet instructions visible.
Belongings brought will be at owners own risk. Toys with feathers and string should be avoided and any others must be ones the owner is happy the cat can have access to without supervision.
Toys are provided by The Cottage Cattery. The owner must advise The Cottage Cattery if they have a concern about their cat accessing any particular type of toy e.g. catnip.
Cat Carriers must be used for bringing cats to and from the cattery securely.
Contact with Vets. It is a condition of boarding that The Cottage Cattery is authorised, by the owner, to speak to the vet about their cat and thereby sanction any action recommended as immediately necessary by the vet. Emergency contacts should be able to represent and/ or help locate the owner.
Firth Vets are the default vets used by The Cottage Cattery. They will normally contact a cats own vet prior to any treatment. The vet may be consulted should The Cottage Cattery experience any difficulty in giving medication and if the decision is taken to transfer boarding, as a result, to the vets, this will be at the owners cost.
Insurance The Cottage Cattery has boarding insurance cover, limited only by the terms set by the insurer.
Pre-existing conditions, known or unknown, are not covered. -
Failure to collect: If a cat is not collected and there is no communication with The Cottage Cattery by the owner or their representative, 7 days after the expected departure date, the cat will be considered abandoned.
Costs until the cat is rehomed will be the responsibility of the owner. -
Cats sharing. Cats from one household can be booked to share a pen but may be separated, at the owners cost, if the cats are deemed unfit to share the same space.
Unanticipated events. Every measure will be taken to ensure the safekeeping of a cat, but it must be accepted that in boarding cats in unfamiliar surroundings accidents, illness of unforeseen incidents outwith The Cottage Cattery control may occur on an extremely rare occasion.
Cancellation Policy allows for cancellation up to 14 days before boarding with no penalty, 7 days or less will require a payment equivalent to 3 days of the boarding cost, 24 hours or less will require a payment equivalent to 5 days of the boarding cost, or the full payment if the length of stay is less than 5 days.
Personal Data The Cottage Cattery require to hold specific data on a secure database under the Animal Welfare Act in order to provide the best possible care for the cats in their care and to liaise with vets, local authority inspectors, insurers and owners, as required. Information is held for 3 years from the last date of boarding and accessed, in full, only by the owner of the cattery. It is not shared with any third party. Owners name, address, telephone numbers and email together with basic pet details, that are relevant to boarding are held. Customers may request their information removed or amended at any time.
Social Media The Cottage Cattery may, from time to time, use a photo of a cat that is no longer in residence on Facebook and/ or their website but will use no details other than the cat’s name. If a customer does not agree with this use they may advise The Cottage Cattery in writing, in advance.
Terms and Conditions on the website supersede those found elsewhere.